Friday, February 09, 2007


As a big reader of ESPN's Page 2, I am always intrigued how columnist opinions sway the millions who can't think for themselves towards their own opinions. Ever since the Chevy ads sporting John Mellencamp's "This is our Country" came out, every columnist on this site has been calling Mellencamp a sellout, and saying things like, "the official passing of John Mellencamp." Some more than once.

I've now been hearing this song on the radio quite a bit, and guess what - this is a GREAT song! Not only that, I'ts a welcomed return for Mellencamp to the raw grass roots music we all love him for. Even if you hate this song because of what it was done originally for, you can't hate the song itself. And ONLY John Mellencamp can sing it. PAGE 2 ers need to develop their own opinions and tell those overhyped morons just looking to get a response, "Hey, you're way off base. You wouldn't know good music if it swam up and bit you in the ASS!"

Compare this "Anthem" type song to a similar song written by Paul McCartney specifically for the 9/11 Concert for New York City. Country flows nicely, and is great to listen to and it took more than 7 minutes to write. As a New Yorker, I was totally embarrassed by that McCartney song "Freedom," the supposed anthem we should all sing when we band together for 9/11. Everyone praised McCartney for writing such a great song that embodied our very souls and made us proud to be Americans and blahdee blahdee blahhhhshut the bleep up!

Everyone crucifies Mellencamp for doing the Chevy ad. But why? I don't know why Chevy didn't get him as the spokesperson years ago. Springsteen would have been the only person more perfect.

My advice for Page 2 folks whether you're a columnist or a reader, if you're so hung up on Mellencamp the sellout, then turn off your TV and put on the radio for a change, and listen up!