Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Say what you will about the Oscar ceremony, it is still the most sought after award ceremony in existence, and still very entertaining. I saw only a handful of movies from the past year, had little idea of the actors/actresses and how good they were etc. but I still enjoyed what I saw.

But there's one category that has completely gone to the realm of "who gives a shit" after always being one of my favorites: The Best Song category.

The performances and songs that have been nominated over the past several years look way more like broadway show numbers than movie songs. What the hell happened to movies having well known artists perform orignial songs? Do we as moviegoers no longer demand a Streets of Philadelphia, or to be more mushy, a Ghostbusters, Shakedown, or This Used to be My Playground?

Remember when original songs from movies got radio play? What's with this crud that the Academy insists on throwing in front of us thinking we want to see it? C'mon...you'd rather see Amy Adams singing like Mary Poppins versus her girating up and down and acting like the vixen that she is a la Wedding Crashers or Talladegha Nights? (If you're a guy anyway).

Boys on the Side, Garden State, etc... where are these songs? The Oscars have lost me on this category. And they continue to drop the ball. What still kills me to this day is that no James Bond theme has ever been in the forefront of the Oscars. The category now has the same merit as best Sound Editing Short Subject.

You always see those lists about who got left out and all that. I say, when we're subjected to fodder like this, it's us, the fans who get the ultimate Oscar snub.

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