Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Welcome to the Terror Dome

Hi...if this is your first time on this blog, welcome.

The title of this article has no bearing on what is written here. Just couldn't think of anything more clever to say.

There is no terror dome and you won't find Flava Flav or Chuck D singing about it here - unless Fight the Power holds a special place in your heart - like when cops broke up a party you were at.

There's music for any situation. There's music that's come up just at the right time - there are situations that you only remember because of the music that was playing. That's why we're here - to celebrate everyone's relationship with music, how it affects you, how it makes you happy, sad, how it makes you laugh, rock out and do the duck walk and air guitar simultaneously, and how it makes you cross your arms and say "Yo" or "Peace."

You get the picture. Enjoy

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